The Board of Directors

of the Farmers' Markets Operating Organization of the Attica Region


Melas G. Stavros

Appointed Regional Advisor of Farmers' Markets

Vice Chairman

Vlahou A. Georgia

Regional Councilor as Vice President
with Aggelaki Dimitra Regional Councilor as deputy.

Council Members

Damascus Dimitrios Spyridona
Regional Councilor as a member, with Alymara Sofia Regional Councilor as deputy.

Voidonikolas Stavros Panagioti
Regional Councilor as a member, with Bayraktari Polychroni Regional Councilor as his deputy.

Alexandratos Charalambos Philippou
Regional Councilor as a member, with Makri Tavroula as deputy Regional Councilor

Costadellos Grigorios Dimitriou,
as member, mayor of the Municipality of Vari-Voulas-Vouliagmeni

Efstathopoulos Spyridonas Constantinou
Regional Councilor as a member with Kehri Evangelia Argyriou as deputy
Barbagianni – Adamopoulou Eugenia Thoma
Regional Councilor as a member, with Moraitakis – Picrou Eleftheria Regional Councilor as deputy.
Tasiopoulos Stavros Dionysiou
as a member, with Alexandros Apostolidis as deputy.
Moschos Pantelis Nikolaou, producer, representative of the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Farmers’ Associations of Farmers’ Markets with alternate member Kastanis Dimitrios, producer, representative of the Panhellenic Federation of Farmers of Farmers’ Markets.
Daniiloglou Christos Efstathiou, producer, representative of the Panhellenic Federation of Farmers’ Associations of Farmers’ Markets with substitute member Gavrilos Theodoros, producer, representative of the Panhellenic Federation of Farmers of Farmers’ Markets.
Mouliatos Dimitrios Nikolaou, professional, representative of the Panatic Federation of Professional Associations of Market Sellers with substitute member Leo Christos, professional, representative of the Panatic Federation of Professional Seller of Farmers’Markets.

Kazepis Georgios Anastasiou, professional, representative of the Panatic Federation of Professional Associations of Market Sellers with substitute member Egglezos Marinos, professional, representative of the Panatic Federation of Professional Sellers of Farmers’ Markets.

Stouraitis Konstantinos Athanasiou, producer, representative
Federation of Professional Sellers and Producers of Popular Markets
Region of Attica with alternate member Pontos Konstantinos, professional, representative of the Federation of Professional Sellers and Producers of Farmers’ Markets of the Region of Attica.

Zagaris Christos Georgiou, producer, representative of the Federation
Professional Sellers and Producers of Folk Markets of the Region of Attica with Rodis Dimitrios Evangelou, professional, as an alternate member.

The secretary of the board of directors is Mistrioti Maria Dimitriou, an employee of the Attica Region Farmers’ Markets Operating Organization, with Giannoulaki Paraskevi Konstantinou, an employee of the Attica Region Farmers’ Markets Operating Organization, as an alternate member.

The term of office of the board is three years and ends in February 2027.

Organization for the Operation of Farmers’ Markets

Kanigos 20, P.C.: 10181

MON – FRI : 8:00 am – 3:00 pm


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